Watchmen (HBO)

Kasady & Kovacs

Thanks to Logan McElroy for our theme & thanks to Candice Comelleri for our art. Thanks to the amazing guests we had this week. It was super a fun time. Go check and support all of their stuff and more importantly if you're suffering with suicide or depression, get help. Shoot over to our contact page or call the suicide lifeline 1-800-273-8255.

James Taylor Facebook / Instagram / IMDb

Safe Place Trailer / Facebook

Eating Disorders 101

Jimmy Furlong Get Comic Here 

Java & Jupiter

Thanks to Logan McElroy for our theme & thanks to Candice Comelleri for our art. Thanks to the amazing guests we had this week. It was super a fun time. Go check and support all of their stuff and more importantly if you're suffering with suicide or depression, get help. Shoot over to our contact page or call the suicide lifeline 1-800-273-8255.

The Retro Gamers / Matthew Memento / Helsig / Start the Machine 

The Manhattan Mystery

Thanks to Joey from Prior Engagements for ringing in the new year with us. Check them out here!Thanks to Michael & Nathan from Memes for Jesus for hanging out with us (again for the second week in a row). Check out their stuff here.