Friday the 13th (1980)

In this episode:

It's been a long time since Anthony from The Retro Gamers has come onto our show. Anthony is a gent who likes horror just as much as he does retro video games. Today, Friday the 13th, we at Victims and Villains thought why not talk about the original Friday the 13th. Moving forward with every Friday the 13th, we'll be pushing further into the series. This is a bit of a more low key episode. Sound off in the comments below and let us know what you think about the Friday the 13th as a franchise and better yet as a solo film. 

This episode is mostly walking through the film but not without a little film proposal. This December, Paramount is giving us the movie that no one asked for: a Transformers prequel in Bumblebee. Paramount if you by some chance hear this, this is our proposal for a Friday the 13th prequel based around Ralph and solely Ralph.


While our walk through, we come across a very valid question of the movie: if you could be any ice cream flavor, would what you be? We discuss our answer in the episode. For the record, it's kind of awesome and kind of scary we came out with the same answer but what flavor would you be? Sound off below!

Even without acknowledging the sequels, and there is a lot, we discuss the nature of the film's ending. Is it a reality? Is it a dream? What do you think? Check out our review of the film here! Again, make sure you let us know your thoughts below or write to us on Facebook. 


If you or someone you know is struggling with suicide, depression, self-harm or addiction, please feel free to reach out, use any of our resources, call the suicide life line: 1-800-273-8255 or text 741-741. 

Friday the 13th images and sound bites are properties of Paramount Pictures. We claim no rights to them .No copyright intended. The Flash, The X-Files and Man of Steel are properties of Warner Brothers, DC & Fox - we do not claim any rights at all.