Justin Hartley shines in “The Exchange”

Teenage comedies often are centered around twenty-somethings passing for teenagers who all crave one thing: sex. But what if a teen comedy stepped away from sex being the main focus and told a story about what every lonely teenager really craves: friendship? 

The Exchange takes place in the 1980’s and tells the story of an awkward teen, Tim (played by Ed Oxenbould), who is influenced by his love of French cinema to apply to host a French exchange student who shares his passion for the art. Instead, he is greeted by Stéphane (played by Avan Jogia), a suave, sex-crazed cool kid who quickly wins over the rest of the school and majority of the small Canadian town.


Over the course of the film the relationship between Tim and Stéphane evolves and has its high points and low points, but stays believable throughout the film. Oxenbould and Jogia’s chemistry makes the film and its jokes land.   

One of the best parts of The Exchange is the vibe given off by the citizens of the town.  While the film focuses on Tim and Stéphane, each side character is given a moment in the spotlight to show their own little quirks and personalities.  It gives the town a bit of a Schitts Creek vibe that carries the view through most of the film.


The performance that stands out from the rest of the film comes from Justin Hartley (This Is Us, Smallville), who plays the mustachioed gym teacher/self-appointed Town Sheriff. Hartley chews the scenery in every scene he is in. His antagonist is almost cartoonish and appears to believe the world revolves around him. That being said, you can see the fun he is having with the role in his performance. His character makes the perfect foil to the Tim/Stéphane story. 

While the film sticks to the teenage sex comedy genre fairly well, one area where it breaks the formula is with addressing the towns xenophobic and racist attitudes towards the Stéphane character. The way these issues are handled is straightforward and tasteful, but also a bit off putting when they show up at the drop of a dime. 

The Exchange is an excellent comedy that delivers the laughs, supported by a wonderful, believable story. The Exchange is now available On Demand and Digital.

Rorschach Rating:


Metal Health Moment:  One of the things that stands out in The Exchange is the evolution of the relationship between Tim and Stéphane.  Tim is very much a loaner at the beginning of the film. And despite Stéphane’s attempts at friendship, Tim is hesitant to even try to get along with him. Once he starts to let him into his life, the two quickly become lifelong friends. While it's important to have your own boundaries and barriers when it comes to making new friends, it’s also okay to step outside of your comfort zone and branch out to different types of people and even have several different friend groups, each with different interests. Not every friendship will last or be as personal as the others.

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Victims and Villains is written (and produced) by Josh "Captain Nostalgia" Burkey and others, and edited by Cam Smith. Music by Mallory Johnson and others. The Exchange is property of Quiver Distribution. We do not own nor claim any rights.

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